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Rollcentre Laptimers

Rollcentre Racing lap timers are one of the most popular and reliable budget lap timer systems available and can be used for cars, bikes and karts. They are for driver use, so you know instantly what your time is rather than wait for the Pit Board signal the lap after. They do not require wiring into the car system and no pre-progamming is required. Just switch it on and it works! We supply two models, the T100 and T200. We also stock a Beacon, but our timer will actually work off any beacon on the pit wall (actually the first one) and then it ignores the others. So that means that your lap timing solution can be as cheap as £89 + vat and carriage. The units are all battery powered.


*NEW* Rollcentre Racing are delighted to stock AIM TECHNOLOGIES Solo GPS Lap timer for professional and track day use.  Easy to use, the system is a popular choice for straightforward lap timing.

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